Sunday, October 12, 2008

35 Weeks

This week has been a little bit of an emotional roller coaster. On Monday I went into labor and delivery for for some monitoring. Everything was just fine. Then on Friday the doctor sent me into labor and delivery again for some more monitoring. Everything was still fine. I was having lots of irregular contractions but I couldn't really feel any of them. My doctors appointments are now every week. I am excited for that so I can see what progress I may of may not be having. I am definitely getting very uncomfortable. Lots of pelvic pain and back pain and most the time it even hurts to walk. I am still trying to stay optimistic because I know I still have a while and so far so good.

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Swasey family said...

Yay!!!Im so excited for you!!Its so close!I had my boys at 36 weeks exact;y and they were perfectly fine!Don't be scared EVERYTHING will be ok!!Even if that little booger wants to come early!!Good Luck girlie!!

The Collins Family said...

Hang in there Melis! The last few weeks i think are hard. Your just so ready to have that baby cause of all the discomfort. Sounds like that little guy wants out!