Saturday, November 1, 2008

38 Weeks and the hospital AGAIN!

Yesterday was my 38 week appointment at the doctors. I went in to do the usual. They go to check my blood pressure and it was way high. I have never had high blood pressure before until now. So the doctor said I would have to go over to the hospital AGAIN. Seriously I am sick of going to the hospital. Next time I go I better be coming home with a baby. The doctor tells me all the things they will be checking and the different tests they will be doing at the hospital and if they find just one little thing that looked wrong then they would just induce me. Well at this point I didn't know what to think because I really want to baby to come because I am so big and uncomfortable but I didn't want our baby born on Halloween. Everyone knows how much I HATE Halloween. Once we got to the hospital and checked my blood pressure again it was fine. The blood tests were all normal and I don't yet know on the urine test but I'm sure that will be normal to. So back home I go. I'm glad everything was fine and that we don't have a Halloween baby. But now that October is over I am ready for this little guy to come.

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Swasey family said...

Haha..Thank goodness everything is ok.Im so excited to for you to have the baby I check the blog everyday to see if there are baby pictures up yet!!Good LUCK!!!

rachel and brady said...

I'm glad everything's fine. I'm watchin too for the announcement that baby Lucas has arrived! I can't wait to see him! Hang in there!

Mrs.Mayne said...

It is so funny that we have had so many similarities in our pregnancy's. Due date, dehydration and high blood pressure. Your story sounds so similar to me onee year ago. I hope we don't the the same birthday, for your sake. If that was the case could plan on being pregnant for 17 more days.:(

Love said...

Hey! The big day is coming so soon! Just curious, how come you hate Halloween??

The Collins Family said...

oh the joys of pregnancy right? Glad you are doing ok. Cant wait to see that baby boy of yours!

Ruthanne said...

I don't like Haloween either ha ha! Hang in there pretty soon you'll be up all night!