Friday, November 14, 2008

40 Weeks and still here!

Yup I'm still here. That is the famous question I get from everyone now. "Your still here?" Whatever I don't care anymore, there is nothing anyone can say to me now that I haven't already heard. Colt thinks I should start charging a dollar for every time someone says that to me. I would be rich. So yes I'm definitely still here and my spirits are still high but they won't be if I have to go to work again on Monday. I am still feeling pretty good, a little more tired but not bad. I have started getting kankles as of yesterday. I am pretty surprised that I held off this long without getting any swelling in my legs and feet. I have a constant cramp in my side that the doctor says is my round ligament pulling and that drives me nuts and just hurts bad. But other then that everything seems to still be going ok.

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Love said...

Good Job for still hanging in there! I hope you have him soon, so you don't have to be uncomfortable!

Christine said...

Melissa, I know your pain. I was three days late with Samuel and I was even dilating and effaced the last two or three weeks! But don't worry, Lucas will come soon enough and then you will want to be pregnant again! :) If you start to get desperate, I have some ideas of how to get labor started that may work for you! Love ya!

Christine said...

Ok, first you can try walking, but it will take ALOT of walking to get real labor going. Next, you can try something called castor oil, you can find it at Walmart in the herbal section, I believe. It is a nasty and gross thick oil, but it has been known to work for people. I would recommend mixing it with a strong drink like Sunny Delight so it goes down better. But be warned, this makes you have the runs for a while. That is how it works is by getting your abdominal muscles going. It didn't work for me, but if your body is ready, this is all the jumpstart it needs! If you'd like more ideas, let me know! Love ya!