Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby Tag

I remember seeing this tag on Marianne's blog and wanted to do it so I can remember all these details that changed my life.

1- Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant?
I was at home on 3/5/08
2- Who was with you?
I was by myself.
3- How did you find out that you were pregnant?
Home prego test and Colt also took my blood and tested me at the lab.
4- What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant?
I was shocked it happened so soon because I miscarried the month before.

5-Did you get morning sickness? Yes, it started around 6 weeks and went away after 16 weeks. I got lucky not to have it too bad. I just felt yucky and I had to make sure I always had some crackers or something with me. I only threw up maybe 10 times and 1 time I actually missed the toilet, I was running to the bathroom and got the wall. I laugh right after I thought it was pretty funny.

6- Who was the first person you told?
I went and saw Colt for lunch that day but I didn't want to tell him until after school because he had a test right after lunch and I didn't want to distract him. I remember we ate at Hogi Yogi and we were just talking like normal and out of the blue he says "your pregnant huh" So then he knew. Then after lunch I went to the office to talk to my Mom but someone was in her office so I was patiently waiting, then she shouted out of her office with the person still in there "are you pregnant?" Then my mom knew and everyone around my moms office knew. I guess you could just see it on my face. What can I say I was pretty happy.
7-Did you plan to get pregnant?
We got pregnant in August 2007 by accident and after I miscarried that one we started trying since. We got pregnant again in January and miscarried right after and then again in March.
8-Was everybody happy for you?
Yes I hope so.
9- Did you go out and celebrate?
I sure we probably did but I cant remember. I think it was dinner some where.
10- Did you want to find out the sex?
Yes of course! I am a planner and had to have everything ready before he got here. Becides I don't think I could wait that long to find out, 20 weeks is long enough to wait.

11- What was the sex?
A BOY. I knew right away that I was having a boy. I had lots of dreams and feelings that it was a boy
12-Did anyone throw you a baby shower?
Yes I had 3
13- If yes, who?
My sister Jen threw me one in Colorado, My Mom did one and my work did one.
14- Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby?
Yes of course doesn't everyone.
15- How much weight did you gain?
Well my goal was to only gain 25-35. Haha that was funny because I gained 45-50!!!!
16- Did you lose all of the weight that you gained?
No. I lost 30lbs. the first 2 weeks and then it seemed like nothing was happening for a while until I started on the Bodybugg. I have lost 8lbs in the last 2 weeks. Too bad it wasn't another 30 :) So a total of 38, I still have a ways to go.
17- Did you get a lot of stretch marks?
YES! That cocca butter crap does not work at all and I used that stuff everyday from 6 weeks on. So that was a waste of money and I'll thank my wonderful genes to.
18- What did you crave the most?
Cold Stone, pretzel bites from Pretzel Maker, Watermelon and graham crackers in milk, oatmeal, and bagel and cream cheese.
19- Did you crave anything crazy?
No, But I did like some weird smells. I loved the smell of Utah Lake and my make-up. When I smell those it just made me happy. Weird huh?
20- Who or what got on your nerves the most?
A lady at the store asked me "are you having 1 or 2?" everyone at the office saying "you still haven't had your baby" "are you sure your not having twins" "you still here" "wow you still have 2 months left" I wanted to slap everyone that asked my those stupid questions and ask them "are you serious?"
21- Were you married at the time?
22- Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?
I had horrible cramping and bleeding at 31 weeks I still don't know why but everything was fine. High blood pressure on Halloween probably because I hate the holiday. Other then that everything was fine. I was lucky to have a very good pregnancy other then the fact that I got HUGE.
23- Where were you when you went into labor?
I didn't go into labor until I got to the hospital and they induced me and still after tons of pitocin I didn't really progress hardly at all.
24- Did your water break?
No, the doctor broke it for me.
25- Who drove you to the hospital?
26- Did you go early or late?
Late, I got induced 1 week after my due date.
27- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth?
Colt was in the room and my Mom was out in the hall. They only allowed 1 person in the operating room.
28- Was it video taped?
Well since it turned into a c-section I thought it would be cool to tape it but no cameras were allowed until after the baby was born.
29- Did you have any drugs for the pain?
Yes, then even more when it was time for the c-section. I was so drugged I could barely keep my eyes open. How sad is that when your giving birth!
30-Did you go Natural or have a c-section? C-section. I went 16 hours and only dialated 1 centimeter. I just was not progressing so doctor said it's time to get the baby out.
31- What was your first reaction after giving birth?
Yea he is finally here! I never knew the baby was out until they brought him over to see me because he never did cry but he was fine. I was so sleepy though just from all the drugs and it was 4:40 in the morning.
32- How big was the baby(s)?
8lbs 4oz 19 inches
33- Did your Husband cry?
No, but he was choked up.
34- What did you name the baby(s)?
Lucas Colt Fotheringham

35- Who came to see you at the hospital? My parents and my little sister Carley, Colt's parents, Colt's grandparents, My grandparents White, my sister Angela, Jeremy and Emily and there kids, Tareh and her kids, my step sister Tera and sister in-law Heidi, our friends Yersa, Scottie and Tashina, and Dan and Libby. That might be all I hope I didnt forget anyone.
36- Did the baby(s) have any complications?
No, he just wanted to be stubburn and not come out.
37- How old is your baby today?
He will be 2 months exactly tomorrow
38- When is the next one(s) coming?
Anywhere from 1 year to when Colt is done with school. We are not to sure yet. We will keep the rest a surprise.
39-If you could, would you do it all over again?
Yes of course. This time I want to wait longer before I get my epidural to see if I will dilate and try for a VBAC.

I tag everyone who wants to do this. It's a great way to keep the memories. It's a fun tag so everyone do it.

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DELYNN said...

That was really fun to read about your pregnancy. It made me think of mine and compare :) Your little guy is so cute.

Christine said...

Oooh, I want to do it too! You find out little details you didn't get to hear before and I love remembering the specifics of that wonderful time! Thanks for doing it!

The Collins Family said...

I cant believe you didnt dialate. i bet that was frustrating. But in the end you got a cute little boy!! yay for boys!

Bonnie and Joel said...

Wow I had no idea that you had even gotten pregnant. That was really fun reading your blog. Very cute baby. Who would have thought that you would have to have a c-section, thats a crazy suprise.