Monday, February 16, 2009

The all Mom's "Must have"

"Swaddle Me"
This has been the greatest thing ever. I can't say enough good stuff about this. After finding Lucas all naked one morning we went on got this. He had wiggled out of his pajamas and his receiving blankets leaving him in nothing but his diaper. Lucas has been using this since he was 6 weeks old and has been sleeping 10-12 hours a night since then. All mom's out there go get one. I have only seen them at Babies R Us and they only cost $9.99.

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Mrs.Mayne said...

What a talented boy!! Bennett loved those too.

Swasey family said...

we never had these with the boys, but I thik I might give it a wirl if they sleep through the night like that!

Christine said...

I'll have to go check that out for our next one, thanks!