Saturday, May 30, 2009

6 months

Lucas is at a really fun stage right now. He is so fun and I just can't get enough of him. Being a mom seriously is the best job in the world. I love it.

Here's some things about Lucas

Lucas sits up all by himself now and for a really long time.
Lucas loves to sleep with his little stuffed giraffe.
Lucas LOVES food, he has tried all the vegetables and now is starting the fruits. He likes everything that goes in his mouth except he doesn't like the fluoride drops we give him.
Lucas loves playing with his toys in the bath tub.
Lucas loves swimming.
Lucas likes going to bed at night and likes his naps...all 3 of them, about 2 hours each.
Lucas like to keep to his schedule, he gets fussy if it is messed up in anyway. He does not do very good at all at church for this reason.
Lucas has his bottom 2 teeth coming in.
Lucas LOVES watching his Baby Einstein movies.
Lucas loves going outside and taking walks.
Lucas loves playing with toy cars. They are his new favorite toys. He can be so focused on cars that I can't even get his attention.
Lucas now weighs 18lbs 4oz 50%, 26 1/2 inches 50%, head is 46.2cm above 95%, he has a huge head.

Lucas loves playing peek a boo with a blanket. He will cover his own face and we say "Lucas where are you?" then he pulls it down and we say "there he is". He loves this, he thinks it is so fun.

Lucas is sucking on a pepper
Here's some pictures from our trip to St. George.

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rachel and brady said...

He's such a cutie pa tootie! I can't wait to see the pics Alie did for you guys.

Mrs.Mayne said...

Lis, he is so stinkin cute (as if you didn't know)But he really really is, and I know a thing or two about cute little boys.