I can't believe Lucas will have his first birthday in less then 2 months! Crazy how fast time goes by. Lucas is so very WILD! Lucas is getting into EVERYTHING and walking all along the furniture and climbing in and on EVERYTHING. He can climb onto the couch by himself and get off the bed or couch by himself. He can point his finger at things and wave bye-bye. Lucas LOVES books! He likes to sit and look at books and ew and ah over each page. Lucas is still taking 3 naps a day but I can tell the time to go to 2 is coming soon. Lucas is getting his top 2 teeth. Lucas is a curious little boy. We just love our little man.

He has started liking to watch his movies in his stroller. Silly kid.
Colt's Dad making Lucas laugh. Of course once he saw the camera he wasn't laughing near as hard as he was before.
How fun! So questions...how old was Lucas when he starting crawling? Jax can get EVERYWHERE by rolling, dragging pushing, pulling, just about everything but crawling so I don't think he is all that concerned about crawling :) Also, what where you feeding Lucas around 8 months. Like a typical day would be great. :) You feel so clueless as a new mama! I still nurse Jax like 4-5 times a day because he just loves it, but I give him rice cereal and fruits and veggies pureed like twice a day too??? Love the updates and pics by the way! :)
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