Monday, October 26, 2009

11 Months

1 more months and I will have a 1 year old!
Lucas is learning so much. Here's some new things about Lucas.
*He now can say Mama.
*He has been able to say Dada for a few months now.
*He can stand all by himself for a short time.
* He is VERY VERY busy.
* He pretty much hates baby food now.
* He thinks he is such a big boy and wants to do everything by himself.
* He does not like his oatmeal. I get him to still eat it by alternating every bite between apple sauce, cottage cheese, or yogurt.
* Foods he loves: apple sauce, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, bagels and cream cheese, mac n cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, apples, bananas, peaches, pears, green beans, and anything he can pick up and eat by himself.
* Lucas has finally gone to 2 naps a day, which has worked out very well. He goes to bed and hour earlier and sleeps in a hour later and has 1, 2 and a half hour nap and 1 hour and a half nap. Can't get much better then that.
* Lucas waves bye-bye to us when we put him to bed. He loves going to bed.
*He can slide down the slide at the playground.
*He loves playing with boxes and crawling through them.

Busy at work

We just love our little Lucas! We are savoring ever minute because he is growing up way to fast. We can't get enough of him. He makes us smile and laugh every day.

Just a video of Lucas sliding down a big hill at our house. He just started immediately sliding down this hill without even thinking about it so we thought it was pretty funny.

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Heidi said...

So cute Melissa! He's darling and the video is sweet. Lilly is sitting here with me and she wants to watch it again! Love you guys!

Chandice said...

Oh my gosh! Melissa you have to keep putting pics and videos up of that adorable boy!!! He is too cute. We need to get him and Jaxton together sometime!