Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fun videos of Lucas

Lucas is learning lots of new things so hear are some videos.

Lucas loves his daddy. Colt can always make him laugh so hard.

Lucas can clap now. He just started rubbing his head on the floor. Silly kid.

Lucas is learning to walk!

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Mrs.Mayne said...

Kids are so silly. Rubbing his head on the floor. I would really like to be in their funny heads some time and know where they come up with such goofy things. Sorry we never got together last week. One of our cars is broke so I have been home bound for a while but hopefully it will be fixed soon. I will get in touch with you soon.

Love said...

He is so stinkin cute!! Wow he is getting so big!! How adorable!

Heidi said...

So cute! Fun to see his first steps. Lilly says "good job" little cousin!

Chandice said...

Oh!!! I love those videos! He is getting so big, I love it! Don't you just live for that laugh?!