Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas 2009

We had a great Christmas this year. When I was little I never could sleep on Christmas eve or at least I could never sleep in. I was always to excited. After having a child it still hasn't changed, but not for me this time. I was too excited to see Lucas' reaction and hear his "ewww" and "wow". And that is just what I got to hear. I loved every minute of it. So I woke up at 7 am and got up to make my family a good Christmas breakfast, and the boys slept in until 8. Lucas opened his first present then he just wanted to play with that toy. It took 2 and a half hours to get done opening presents. That night we went up to my moms for Christmas dinner and Lucas went sledding for the first time. The hill was way to big for him and he cried. Poor guy. Maybe next year. We had a really good Christmas and I had so much fun just watching Lucas and now I can't wait for next year when he will understand a little better.

After Santa delivered

Lucas playing with his new toys Christmas morning

Lucas sure did get spoiled

At grandma's house ready to go sledding

Ready to go down. Look at the size of that hill. Great sledding hill for adults but not for a 1 year old. I think we will wait another year before we take Lucas again.

Lucas loved Carley's little chair. He would climb on and off that thing and take his toys with him.

Exhausted after a busy Christmas day, but he still has his cell phone in hand.

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Swasey family said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas!!Isn't it SOO fun watching the kids at Christmas I had a blast & and now I cant wait till next year to watch my two other kiddos!:)

Chandice said...

He is so cute! I love seeing him grow and just a few months ahead of Jax. We have to get them together!!!

Jayne said...

The 4th picture is crazy!! Lucas just surrounded by presents :) What a fun Christmas!

It was so fun getting to meet you guys too. I can't believe Colt is a dad! Thanks for letting us lurk around your blog from time to time :)

Take care!

PS. Lucas looks like a mini Colt!! He's such a cute kid.