Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's been a long time!

Its been a long time since I have posted anything about Lucas. He is now 17 months old! Lucas has been learning so much and continues to be a wild wild man.
* Lucas is learning animal sounds, he can tell you what a cow, dog, lion, and monkey says.
* Lucas can point to many parts of his body: head, hair, ear, eye, nose, hands, belly button, and toes.
* We are trying to teach Lucas a little bit on sign language, so far he knows the sign for MORE.
* Lucas LOVES grapes, he will open the fridge and eat grapes all day long.
* Lucas loves ALL fruits and veggies and cheese, he will he these over any other types of food.
* Some new words Lucas can say are: cracker, and cheese
* Lucas loves playing with cars and making lots of car noises.
* Lucas LOVES playing outside and on the playground, He could play outside all day everyday, rain or shine.
Getting ready for church.
Lucas loves playing with Daddy and taking rides on his back.
Lucas got to help us color Easter eggs.
We had a great Easter. Lucas loved getting candy but his favorite thing was his electric tooth brush.

We did a little Easter egg hunt for Lucas in our house and after he found each egg he stopped and wanted to eat the candy out of each one.
Lucas had fun finger painting with pudding, he even liked eating it and putting it in his belly button.

Lucas was a perfect fit in my giant beach bag.
I just think this picture is cute. Lucas is a funny sleeper. This is his "froggy" position.

Lucas LOVES to stir stuff. He loves watching us cook and playing with all the cooking utensils.

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rachel and brady said...

Cute pictures! Lucas is so big!

Tyler said...

He is a cutie! I looked at your picture of him at 4 months and swear that is what my little boy looks like right now! Crazy!

Josh said...

Colt (and fam), good to see the blog! My personal favorites were the block soup video and your plumbers crack while giving Lucas a ride. So many fond memories at the pool!!