Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lucas talking/ St. George

Lucas has just starting talking. He started this a couple weeks ago and he does it all the time. It's so cute. We love to hear him talk.

Lucas and I went to St. George last weekend with my Mom and step dad Tony and little sis Carley. Colt had to stay home and work :( It was so nice to get away for a while and not have to worry about cleaning the house or going to work. Here are just a few pictures.

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rachel and brady said...

I couldn't get the video to work...but your pictures are cute! He's gettin so big! We need to get together so I can see him again!

Love said...

That sounds like a fun getaway! Im sure you parents love seeing Lucas! It looks like it was sunny and warm in St George! I bet it was a nice break from the snow too!

Christine said...

Such a cutie!!

Chandice said...

That is too cute! I love seeing him grow because he is a few months older than Jax, I see all the fun stuff I have to look forward too! Where are you guys living now?

The Collins Family said...

i love when they start there cooing, What a cutie! Lets hang out soon!